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Useful Links & Resources


Try the Tyneside MIND Mood Tracker by clicking on the following link:



 Please use the following links to explore other organisations who may also be able to help you:


Women's Services

Angelou Centre: http://www.angelou-centre.org.uk/

Tyneside Rape Crisis Centre: http://www.tynesidercc.org.uk/

Women's Aid: http://www.womensaid.org.uk/

Women's Health in South Tyneside: http://www.whist.org.uk/

Mental Health Services

Tyneside MIND: http://www.tynesidemind.org.uk/

Mental Health North East: http://mhne.org.uk/

NHS Foundation Trust: http://www.heartofengland.nhs.uk/

Wellbeing Info Directory: http://www.wellbeinginfo.org/

Counselling Directory: http://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/

Launchpad: http://launchpadncl.org.uk/

Hypnotherapy Directory:  www.hypnotherapy-directory.org.uk 

Need to talk to someone now? Call the Samaritans http://www.samaritans.org/ on 08457 90 90 90


Tailored Support Services


Eating Distress North East: https://www.edne.org.uk/ 

Onespace: http://www.onespace.org.uk/

Translation Services: www.babelfish.com/


Hi: http://www.hiwecanhelp.com/

LGBT: www.lesbisexyandhealthy.co.uk

Dementia Friends: www.dementiafriends.org.uk