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Support Groups

Support Groups are available to offer longer term help to women. Membership of support groups is flexible with some being time limited and others running indefinitely. When you attend a group you will take part in a range of activities to help you understand how you can manage your mental health better. Mental health recovery is a big part of these groups as well as developing peer support networks with other women involved so that you can continue to meet without us.

Current support groups are:

This is a monthly drop in session running between our Centres. Women can access light touch support around domestic abuse. Get in touch for the next date!

This is a weekly group running at both of our Centres where you can access a range of support covering different themes.  We're busy reviewing this group so look out for updates coming soon!

This is a weekly group to help you manage symptoms of anxiety, depression and low mood.

A weekly group for women with young children.  You are welcome to bring children (below school age) to this session.  There's plenty of toys to play with!

This group runs each week at both our Centres to help you set goals and explore future opportunities.  This group is under review so we'll update soon.