The Board of Directors, or Trustees, take responsibility for the overall governance of Tyneside Women’s Health, including it's policy, strategy, direction and forward planning. Trusteeship is voluntary, and Trustees are people whose skills, experience and personal qualities mark them out for management of the charity.
The Board of Directors is responsible for:
- The financial and staffing arrangements of Tyneside Women’s Health. They agree the budget, approve the annual accounts and scrutinise the organisation’s expenditure
- Employing the staff of Tyneside Women’s Health in accordance with all relevant legislation
- Setting the processes by which the organisation will operate, and agreeing the priorities for action
- Overseeing the Chief Executive Officer who, in turn, is responsible for the day-to-day running of the organisation and the management of staff
Tyneside Women’s Health is a registered Charity in England and Wales, Charity No. 1126648, and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England, Company No. 06702528.
The Company was established under a Memorandum of Association, which established the objects and powers of the charitable company, and is governed under its Articles of Association.